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SEO Certificate


2.4 Summary

For now, that's it.

  • Search Engines know about your site
  • Crawlers can now check your site fast and without any problem
  • Your chances to be found on the Web have greatly increased

Taking all this together, you did great things to make Search Engines love your web pages and show them to Internet users. But believe me, there's a lot more of it to learn, in the third chapter.

But first, let's see how well you understood what you read. Take your second quiz to check yourself and be one more step closer to getting an SEO certificate.


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#5358 2023-01-27 19:58:01 Change Of Address

best seo services

#5331 2022-10-04 16:33:56 Jan Wil

Thanks for this great info.

#5288 2022-05-30 16:07:03 change address here .

Many thanks for the brief and concise information here. I truly appreciate it.

#5241 2022-02-18 03:36:56 Search Engine

This is a great privilege to learn new techniques on SEO matters. Thanks for sharing!

#5232 2022-02-15 14:17:23 click here

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#5050 2021-01-30 13:34:37 seo services in islamabad SEO GURU

a one your post

#3713 2013-07-04 09:57:55 Lory zhang

Thanks dan you made it easy to understand and practise

#3056 2012-05-30 13:01:18 Mahesh Kumar Gupta

I have got good information in this chapter. I am very know more about Seo. Just I want to say "Thanks".

#2570 2011-12-28 02:51:23 Stephen Heath

I didn't understand a lot of the information in this chapter. Although the writing is straight forward enough, the tasks are a little glossed over to make them sound simple but which are in fact difficult tasks to complete.

I feel some of the tasks are a little advanced for a beginner and what you really should be saying in this chapter is get a "webmaster" who knows better.

I feel i'm no better off in this chapter because I know where the problems are now (which is good) but I still don't know how to correct them. Therefore, the problems are still there and I will have to pay someone to correct them, just like before!


#4488 2016-08-11 04:01:45 Thien Pham

but now you understand it more deeply

#2502 2011-11-24 11:37:39 vinay menon

This reminds of my days in school, I wish we had similar excercise before we went to exams. Awesome tool to refresh your knowledge, I have one seo spy glass in my desktop now I have one for myself in my laptop.

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