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Option 2: Harvest quality keywords in a matter of minutes

As I promised, here′s the simple and short way to get as many great keywords as you wish.

Rank Tracker box

There′s a tool called Rank Tracker that′s great for working with keywords. The module I particularly like is keyword suggestion. Rank Tracker also checks website positions by keywords with a lot of details, to see how they change over time — and does much more. But we′ll need that a little bit later. And right now, we′ll need the keyword suggestion feature the most

So here′s where you find Rank Tracker:––tracker/.

You can trust the software I recommend here 100%, for I not only used it thousands of times. I truly took part in its development, consulting the Link–Assistant.Com team all way through. So these tools are also products of my SEO experience. Hundreds of SEO companies and thousands of individuals all over the globe use this software. Many of my clients do part of the job themselves, with the tools I recommend. And believe me, these development guys know how to keep all their users happy!

First, download Rank Tracker and install it on your computer. What you′ll do now is:

Get a long list of keywords at a couple of mouseclicks

Run the tool and click the New button to create a new project. Rank Tracker will ask you to enter a URL, so enter your site′s URL.

Enter your website′s URL Enter your website′s URL

Then choose Search Engines to apply (in fact, you can click any, say Yahoo! — it doesn′t really matter for keyword research).

Select Search EnginesL Select Search Engines

Note that Google, Bing and Yahoo are selected by default. There′s also a filter in the upper right corner using which you may quicker select the preferred Search Engines.

Now you need to enter a keyword to start with. Rank Tracker, being a smart tool, has already found some ideas for me! To extend the list of pre–selected keywords (wedding planning, wedding websites, wedding registry), you should type in any keyword related to your business, l ike I typed in wedding ideas, and Rank Tracker will take a couple of seconds to check your site′s ranking for that word (but I′ll save talk about rankings for later).

Enter your major keywords Enter your major keywords

What you need to do right now is: select your keyword and click the Suggest button in the Keywords tab.

Check rankings button

You can enter a number of generic keywords related to your niche or business. Rank Tracker will use these terms to give you keyword suggestions.

List of "big" initial keywords

The tool will ask you to choose a keyword research method. Choose Google Suggest, and after Rank Tracker stops searching (it can take a while, on the number of keywords you′ve entered and the speed of your Internet connection), you can choose any of the keyword suggestions it offers. I′d recommend you to select all suggested words for now. And later Rank Tracker will let you easily single out the best–quality keywords.

Various keyword research methods Various keyword research methods

As soon as you make up your mind and click Finish, you will see the keywords you chose in the Keywords tab. Now, repeat the same procedure choosing all the necessary keyword research methods like Wordtracker, Yahoo! Search Assist and Ask TypeAhead Search Suggestions.

Your keyword list is getting longer, yeah?

Now let′s

Spy a bit more on your competitors, but now — with the help of Rank Tracker!

A great thing is to find out what keywords your competition is using (really useful, you know, as you can copy their strategy and improve on it!)

Use the Competition Research option for that. It harvests keywords from the meta tags of competing websites (as manual research requires extra time and effort, Rank Tracker will do it for you in a couple of clicks. )

Various keyword research methods Various keyword research methods

Localize the search

Now let′s add some regionally–marked keywords to your list. You′ve probably read above, it′s sometimes very useful to localize your keywords, as people often search for products or services exactly in their own area. So here′s what you need to do now: select some keywords from the list you already have (hold Shift or Ctrl buttons for multiple choice), then click the Suggest button of Rank Tracker and choose the Word Combination option. After that on the left you will see the list of keywords you′ve just selected.

Now your task is to add regional names to your list. Say, if you sell footwear in Michigan and Illinois, type in the names of these two states in the right–hand field. Enter one local name per line. Then click to proceed and after a few seconds you′ll have a list of fairly good regionally marked keywords.

Broaden your keyword list

Now I guess, you′ve gone through the Rank Tracker options and made a massive keyword list. But Rank Tracker still has to do some work for you.

Believe me, you still can add to the great keyword list you already have. Return to your list, look at the keywords and choose the ones that are thematically most relevant to what you offer. Select these terms (hold the Shift or Ctrl buttons for multiple choice), and hit the Suggest button once again

Now, if you repeat the procedures for finding keyword suggestions, you′ll add more straight–to–the–point keyphrases to you list. Thus you′ll have enough reasonably precise search terms to choose from.

DO IT NOW! Make a massive list of keywords and keyphrases for your website in Rank Tracker, and copy them all into a column in a spreadsheet (ex. Excel).

So what do we have at the moment? A huge list of keywords, all you could find. Well, you must be proud, thinking how big it is. Now here′s the confusing but funny thing: you won′t need most of this list! The time′s come to think of keywords′ quality. As a next step, we′ll shortlist your keyword suggestions.


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#3534 2012-10-22 17:29:22 Daniel Soeteman

HI Dan
I was just wondering how to find out what keywords are being searched for the most in one specific country. Im trying to target NZ but am unsure whether the keyword data given is for google in general or for google nz. is there away to do this so i know exactly what keywords to use and capture NZ customers?

#3536 2012-10-25 04:34:14 Dan Richmond

Hello Daniel.

Yes, you can easily do it with the help of Keyword Tool of Google Adwords.

You are to go to Google Adwords Keyword Tool(,enter your keyword(the one that best describes your niche), set the location as New Zealand, the language as English and the [Exact] Match type.
When ready - click Search.

#3487 2012-08-29 03:42:27 Paintball UK

I've purchased a months worth of rank tracker, and I can't believe how many keywords it has generated for me.

I use Market Samurai and Google's external keyword tool, but with rank tracker I can use these and yahoo, bing, yandex and a whole host of other keyword generation tools - all with just a few clicks of the mouse.

This is truely awesome software.

I can see my paintballing business coming to the first page of google for so many themed keywords in no time at all, with minimum effort - cool beans!!!

#3484 2012-08-26 01:56:02 Daniel Soeteman

i have just downloaded the free trial version of rank checker. when i try to get keyword suggestions through google it always comes back with 0 suggestions, even when i use the ones from your images above?

#3501 2012-09-04 07:46:02 Dan Richmond

Hello Daniel.
I would recommend you to contact our support team ( report about your issue. I am sure the guys from Support will provide you with the solution immediately.

#3438 2012-07-26 00:43:14 Elango Kr

Thank you, I would like to buy this tools...

#3429 2012-07-23 11:40:48 Front Doors

This course is brilliant. Thanks very much.

#3414 2012-07-17 03:24:49 gazo mini

Thanks for your work!!It's help my project.

<a href="">kizi</a>

#3089 2012-06-03 10:19:55 NIfty Tips

this is really amazing for me to use the rank tracker which my work more easier.thank you.........

#2996 2012-05-02 19:32:20 Jansen Wendlandt

Thank you for taking the time to not only explain how to do this with the commercial product, but also how to do it without needing to buy anything extra.

#2799 2012-03-03 21:52:50 Tom Stone

A personal suggestion for you reading this for the first time. After I purchased the software, I was so excited to get started with the work that I rushed through a lot of this.

Several months later, I am re-reading this again. Something I moved through the first time in hours, is taking me days this time. Take your time, don't rush it and do your extensive research.

The software is working great, I am now going through the tutorial for a second time, and am getting so much more out of it!

#2630 2012-01-12 09:21:57 Cacer Fighting Foods

Rank tracker is good stuff, absolutely.

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