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Introduction to your SEO guide

Hi, I′m Dan Richmond, and you′re about to get hold of my break–through SEO in Practice guide. I stay online 24 hours a day, so sure, I know today′s situation with SEO books. There′re just so many of them!!! And yes, I know someone may be skeptical. But I may ask SO WHAT? I′m serious about making this book the best practical SEO guide ever, and here′s the only way to prove this: check how it works.

So right now, in the book′s introduction, I′ll just try to answer the important questions you might ask me before you start. And then we′ll get straight to action.

Firstly, here′s a couple of words about why I wrote the book.

For ten years I′ve been a professional SEO, I worked out winning strategies using the try and error method. Now I believe I′m expert enough to put the best of my experience into a practice–oriented SEO guide.

I′ve seen hundreds of clients, and you can take my word: each day, they keep asking the same things. And after 10 years in SEO I know this for sure: the main question here is not what it′s about. It′s definitely


Now tell me honestly, among the hundreds of SEO books on the Internet, did you see any that teaches the exact simple steps to get to the top? So take me for a humbug if you like, this tutorial is unique. It answers the "what–should–I–do" questions my clients keep asking me for years.

I know you also have some general questions about SEO. Same thing, I answered them a million times and now′s yet another one.

The first problem you have to solve at once is:

To SEO or not to SEO?

If you check it on the Web, you′ll find there′re other ways to get traffic ( = visitors ) to your site and thus to make money. Say, pay per click campaigns (PPC) like Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, or Bing Ads.

Here′s what I can say, and it′s not a personal opinion, but a common fact: PPC brings results fast, but you have to pay all the time. The sums get rather big. And you never know for sure, whether PPC will pay for itself, or it′s just money down the drain.

SEO is different, in terms of investment and effect. First you pay (and all of us SEOs know that real optimization costs are not that big), and some months later you start getting dramatic results. Yes, SEO pays for itself hundreds of times better, in the long run.

The amount of traffic that SEO may bring you is unlimited. You′d simply go bankrupt trying to get as many visitors with PPC campaigns.

Read what happened to one of my clients: in March 2006, they launched a new online gift store. At once, they started a PPC campaign and spent about $40,000 within 3 months. In return, it only brought $28,000.

At the same time in March, I started an SEO campaign for them. All in all, it cost less than $14,000 (including my charges, which are quite big). And, by December 2007, the estimated gain from SEO was $122,000, which is 4.4 times more than Pay Per Click could bring.

As you can see, even if you pay an expert to optimize your company′s site, this pays for itself dozens of times over! And if you do SEO yourself, your costs are so small, and your profits can exceed them by not even dozens, but hundreds of times!

Thus an ideal solution is, go ahead with SEO, and launch a PPC campaign at the same time, to get some traffic from it before your SEO efforts start bringing you real money. And remember: PPC brings pennies, compared to what you get with SEO.

The second question is,

Should I do SEO myself, outsource it to a freelancer, or pay an SEO company to do it for me?

What if you hire a freelancer?

Firstly, you can never trust he′s doing it right.

What if he goes the wrong way and your site gets banned? How are you going to control an outsourcer? Moreover, he will ask for a fat sum.

Read this Search Engine optimization guide, and you′ll know how to check what a freelancer′s doing at any moment and what it′s really worth.

An SEO company will charge a lot

(When I say a lot, I mean it!)

And, if you trust them to start your SEO campaign from scratch, they will do exactly the same things you can do with this book, or even less — but you′ll have to pay thousands of dollars, monthly.

Now, please think of yet another thing: my clients′ businesses gained over $37,000,000 due to web promotion. And believe me, the best part of these 37 mln could have been made without my assistance, had my clients read this book.

Read this SEO guide, and I′ll be sure that you′ll never pay an SEO company more than they deserve.

DIY is free, but requires knowledge and time.

Yet with this book in your hands, you′ll get all the knowledge you need. And it′ll save you a lot of time, firstly, because you don′t have to educate elsewhere, and secondly, because it teaches you to make abundant use of SEO tools that make it hundreds of times faster.

And, it′s not at all hard. All strategies I provide here were devised for real–world clients in order to earn real–world money. And here′s my word: to make a boom of sales, you need the simple universal things I teach here.

Call it a schedule, a manual, or whatever — this book is like taking you by the hand and guiding you, step by step, up to the point when you break a bank with your site.

Here′re four curious facts about web search:
  • When Internet users look for information, services or products to buy, more than 8 out of 10 rely on Search Engines, not simple surfing.

  • 85% of these searchers don′t click on paid links.

  • 63% of links that are naturally displayed at the top of Search Engines get clicks.

  • Being naturally found at the top (due to SEO, not to payment) converts 30% higher ( = brings 30% more money).

So here′s my idea:

as long as you start, do SEO (whichever way you like), and use this book. Mind it, with this guide you′ll be in fact doing things a professional SEO would do — and it′ll turn out easy and free!

After that, when your site is flourishing, you can afford to pay for very sophisticated SEO tricks. Yes, a grown–up site may need personal approach. So that will be the right time to hand it out to SEO experts (of course if you find that necessary).

One more thing we have to discuss now:

Who can do SEO or Who is this book intended for?

The short answer is: everyone. Anyone who could be my client will save a fat sum and gain much more — all with this book.

And among my clients, there were medical centers, financial consultancies, music shops, wildlife refuges and what–not. I knew a guy who was selling pottery on the web and a woman who founded an Internet community for people with lung cancer, a young lady who had an online art gallery and two brothers who owned a transportation business.

Thus if you have a website, you′ve come to the right place. And, it′s time to see how you can make it work, free of charge!

Now you′re mere seconds away from getting the first portion of my instructions.

So don′t delay, get down to your SEO guide right now, and push your website to the top!


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#1566 2010-09-20 06:49:12 Jamie Jackson

Looking forward to reading more of this book. Looks like an interesting read

#1500 2010-09-06 10:28:15 Gerhard Bayer

I am trying to unsubscribe from receiving notifications of new comments. There is no option in the profile to do that; it seems one has to uncheck the box when posting a new comment?

#1449 2010-08-31 16:37:57 Ivo Ignatov

Hi everyone! :)

I don't like to read on PC.
But I think this information + software are very good.

#1430 2010-08-21 12:08:58 Frank Oddo

Online reading is a bit of a pain. Would be nice if you had a downloadable copy.

#1434 2010-08-26 18:53:33 Haskel Fleisher


#1433 2010-08-26 08:30:56 joe va

Yes, that would be nice: Joe v

#1402 2010-08-17 22:36:21 E Ramage

Hi Dan,
I been blogging for the past 2yrs and while my sites have high page ranks. I am not listed in the top 10 of Google, neither have I earned anything. I am bankrupted and at my end. In the next few weeks I may be disconnecting my lines and broadband connection. School opens in a few weeks and I don't even see 2 cents to start my kids at school. I am really hoping that this tutorial will save me and my family.


#1404 2010-08-18 05:25:46 Dan Richmond

Please feel free to ask any specific questions, I'll do my best to help you out.

#1421 2010-08-18 23:22:54 E Ramage

Thanks Dan,
Well first I must say I learn't a lot so far from the first chapter especially the spy on your competition part. However what I don't understand is how I seem to be unable to break into Google's top 10 for the Keywords that count even when the competition is below 30k sites but for low or no traffic keywords I can get in to the top 5 no sweat even if the competition is above 100k.

#1446 2010-08-31 08:32:08 Dan Richmond

Well, I guess the answer lies exactly in the top 10 or top 20 for the keyword. Did you try looking at the amount of backlinks they have and at their keyword densities? Like Carl said above said very often the general amount of competition does not matter and there can be a tough top 10 guys who really work on SEO.

#1484 2010-09-03 21:17:38 E Ramage

Thx Dan,
I always examine my competition first I look for the # of backlinks, next the number of main Keyword anchor text in the back links and then the Page Ranks of the back links. Then I try to beat eh number of Back links along with the PR rank density and Key word Anchor density. Frankly backlinking is the most challenging part of SEO for me.

#1432 2010-08-24 15:12:45 Carl Gallant

Hi Ramage,

Not sure if I am allowed to comment here. Please forgive me if I come across as being forward.

Dan, hope you don't mind...

I have discovered of late that the monthly searches and competing websites are merely guidelines and should not be your ultimate deciding factors.

If you are wanting to breakthrough the top 10, then you should be studying the top 10 in terms of their "on page" optimizing factors and "off page" optimizing factors.

Example: Do they have the keyword in the title, meta description, url or the H1 or H2 tags?

Off page refers mostly to "backlinks", know how much they have and see of you are able to implement a link building strategy, which will cause your site to outrank theirs.

Hope this helps.


#1436 2010-08-26 22:45:56 E Ramage

Thx for the response Carl. I certainly agree with you and I do apply that or similar strategy. However I recently learned 2 things. One Google sometimes rank you on two scales; global and local. E.g. using a tool called Google global I was able to notice that I ranked differently depending on the region I searched in, funny eh.

Second thing is as you said on page optimization is a factor and it also seems not all PR is the same PR I will get into that later. Re; on page I noticed my articles normally don't get noticed or ranked by Google from my main site even though I would do stuff like keyword in title URL etc. However recently I applied something I will call relevant keyword inclusion, in my articles I would normally use my keyword/phrase repetitively. In a recent article I used the main keyword along with similar meaning words, through this I was able to get to #8 on the top ten for that keyword. Another thing is it seems Google prefer some PR above others even if they are of the same Page Rank.

The PR story; Recently I did an article posted on a popular article directory it was placed 17 on Google and was like that for weeks. I decided to throw a few links to it via blog commenting it immediately fell to 200 even though the number of links and PR ratio was above the top sites in the index. What I did next was to created a video posted on Youtube and a rewrite of the article posted this on a few web 2.0 sites linking back to the article and its been rising ever since, Its now at 78 in the index.

Personally I think it was too much effort for something external to my main site but I was testing a theory and it seems to be true, time will tell.

#1401 2010-08-17 10:14:36 Carl Gallant

Hi Dan,

Great ebook. The best I have seen so far.

Looking forward to the rest of the book.


#1396 2010-08-15 02:33:12 eugenio balasa

I know cos my english is bat but I hope u understand me! 10q

#1395 2010-08-15 02:29:56 eugenio balasa

Dear Dan,
I am a beginner, still do not understand how it works, although lately the net every day looking to learn everything about SEO.
For several days I found your site and I hope it was my turn on the light in the darkness in which I am yet.
I have some sites but not successful because no one has included SEO
I hope here to understand step by step what to do, because Note that SEO is quite complex.
Not yet understand the steps on page SEO actually do not understand multesi say that even if the link is silly, with the hope that I can apply or explain why not to one like me in the future.
Thank you for your dedicated efforts to "me":)

#1394 2010-08-14 22:49:27 Salman Yahya

I am looking for DIY SEO Solution. Dan, I hope your guide will deleiver me what i wish.
I want to Thank you for all your efforts.

#1383 2010-08-12 09:11:18 Terence Milbourn

Dan, great stuff! I know I don't need to tell you there are maybe thousands of SEO snake-oil salesmen out there, but here you seem to have got it just right. Not too technical, but not the cheesy adverblurb hype like in your videos (bleeeaarch!). Question: How about a level 2 - Pros Only or Advanced section? Anyway, thanks for sharing.

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