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Option 2: Grab WebSite Auditor and X-ray your competition

The tool that'll make your on-page optimization plain to see is WebSite Auditortool for seo audit.

WebSite Auditor is easy to use. As you select "Webpages" tab, you have to choose a landing page and enter the keyword you want to optimize it for.


And after the check is done, you′ ll see your landing pages like on an X–ray pic! Let′ s see:

Keywords analysis in WebSite Auditor
Keywords analysis in WebSite Auditor

If you want to take a deeper dive and examine every single webpage element, click the tab "Page elements" and get ready!

Display of elements
Display of elements

Here you′ ll find detailed report on what is found within this or that tag, being it H2–H6 tags. ALT text or Meta Description. Not only WebSite Auditor displays the list of all the tags, important for on–page optimization, it also lets you peep into the webpage code and see with your own eyes where this or that element is located and how it′ s formatted.

Displaying title in the source code
Displaying title in the source code

Looks a bit too intricate? No prob!

You′ ve got the best part of WebSite Auditor as well, which is the Page Structure Audit Report. It explains you every part of your page′ s optimization in plain English.

Here′ s what you actually can do and what I ask you to do now: look what you need to change on your page to make it as great for making money as your competitors′ traffic–winning pages. Yes, it′ s right in front of you: if something′ s already fine on the page, this is marked green. And what needs to be changed is left yellow or red, depending on how much it differs from the ideal.

Page Structure Audit Report
Page Structure Audit Report

Thanks to WebSite Auditor you will not only see areas for improvement, you′ ll also be able to check what your competitors are made of.

Select the keyword you′ d like to check your optimization rate for, go to Webpage Report tab, and select Page Optimization Audit Report in the dropdown menu on the right.

Dropdown reports menu

In a clap you′ ll see what brought your competitors to top ranking positions and how well your page is optimized compared to the top 10 ranking pages for the selected keyword.

Page Optimization Audit Report
Page Optimization Audit Report

And if you click on a particular element, you′ ll get detailed recommendations on what you should do to rank as high as your competitors.

Link anchor text optimization
Link anchor text optimization

DO IT NOW! Download WebSite Auditor, run a check for your landing page and generate a Page Optimization Audit Report!

Took a quick look? Then let′ s get down to work, making the necessary changes and creating an ideal landing page. Ideal is what? Remember? Looking great and natural, and producing good clients!


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#2058 2011-06-12 05:38:12 kindle books

Hi Dan,

What is the importance of capturing or skipping all captchas when using website auditor?


#4365 2016-01-15 00:39:20 Anton Shutenko

use vpn and captcha services

#2010 2011-05-19 07:02:55 Dan Richmond

Definitely reaching 100% or 90% is not the ultimate goal. You need to keep balance between readability and good keyword density. Taking a look at the most optimized competitor in the list on the bottom of the report page is a good strategy. Try to imitate the most optimized competitors' keyword density as it might differ a bit from the average values, — that would be a safe way to go.

#1993 2011-05-09 11:05:23 Mihai Niculita

Do you really thing that Website Auditor does what Google is looking for, I mean, is quite archaic a search engine to care sooo much about your on-site optimization, when unanimously everybody says LINKS matters.
Of course, if you have bad mistakes as too many missing links or bad site structure Google will say yucky and will not come back soon, but the EXTREME approach of Website Auditor to measure keyword density everywhere looks for me very good if you want to rank higher in Excite or other oldies, but not in Google.
Don't get me wrong, I have bought the tool, I have used it, but from the entire SEO PowerSuite it looks for me as the one that doesn't click - the most useless one.

#1950 2011-04-14 10:48:27 Front Doors

I'm going to be in the same position as Michelle. My site is in a fairly competitive niche. We've been lucky in one respect, that most of the site has been build for us. Now all we have to do is opitimise the pages.

I've noticed a lot of the pages we have are for not so good key phrases, so we are going to put a wordpress blog on the back of the site. Then we can use the massive list of good keywords, which you have shown us how to find, to build onpage optimised pages.

I'm looking forward to the offpage optimisation chapters too.

#1876 2011-03-07 03:09:41 Michelle de Klerk

Hi Dan,

Been working through your wonderfull book THANK YOU for this valuable resource! I'm at the stage now where all the main pages of my site has been on-site optimized (up to just more or less this point in your book). My keyword onpage optimization is ranking well inbetween the highest and lowest optimization persentages of my competitors. What I'm wondering is...when can I expect my keywords to rank in the top 100? There is not even 1 in the top 100 but they have high KEI and the onpage optimization looks good.
Not sure if im missing something?

Kind Regards

#1878 2011-03-07 08:21:19 Dan Richmond

It all depends on how competitive the niche you chose is. Sometimes only onpage optimization is enough to get to the first pages, in other cases you will have to back up good onpage strategy with considerable link building. I suggest you to create a ticket at and ask the support guys about your case with more specifics, like your site's URL and keywords — they'll be happy to help you out.

#1784 2011-01-05 18:30:29 Rae Macias

Hi Dan,
Thank you for this great book and tutorial. When using the auditor, you instruct to "enter the page's URL and your major keyword..." I don't have the choice to enter a keyword after I enter the URL, even after checking "enable expert options." What am I doing wrong? I only have tabs at the top that are "website" "website report" and "webpages."

Also - I'm not too happy about not being able to save my reports and download my results even though I have paid for the Professional version of the software.

#1877 2011-03-07 08:18:54 Dan Richmond

> What am I doing wrong? I only have tabs at the top that are "website" "website report" and "webpages."

The chapter was written for the older version of WebSite Auditor, it needs some corrections. The webpage analysis module is still in the software. Once you've harvested all the URLs of your site you can select one in the workspace and click "Analyze". Then you'll need to enter your keywords.

#1723 2010-12-01 08:28:29 Sebastiaan Hendriks

Check to count the words

#1565 2010-09-18 19:37:14 Tommy Kas

I'm having a hard time with this program, I just did a check on one of my sites against my competition and I am rated higher than eight of the ones in the top ten. If that is the case why am I not in there... my offsite SEO is way better than the guy in spot five as well.

#1568 2010-09-22 10:53:08 Dan Richmond

Please click help -> Send project to support whenever you have such issues - the Link-Assistant.Com support folks will help you out.

#1474 2010-09-02 08:15:40 Ivo Ignatov

I can't find the instruction what I must to do in Website Auditor - free version. Is the paid version says what should be done??

#1415 2010-08-18 12:02:54 Kim Goltermann

Hi Dan.

I have a bit of a problem here! I'd like to use both Website Auditor and Spy/glass on my most successful local competitor (measured by website traffic) but unfortunately my competitor's website is blocked locally (we're in adult advertising), so the software can't even find the website. Usually I can easily access any competitor's site using or similar, but that won't work here. Any ideas?


#5410 2023-06-13 09:53:19 My Singing Monsters

This tool has the features with which I am the most satisfied, and it is integrated with many others in order to help my work.

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